Training Topics

SEAC provides staff development, workshops, and training sessions for districts upon request. These trainings are tailored in focus, length, and location to meet district needs. The following is a list of common topics requested by district. Districts are encouraged to contact SEAC if they seek additional training topics not listed. SEAC presenters are experienced, respected experts in their fields.  Contact SEAC for more information.

  • Advocacy Campaigns
  • Best Practices of School District Negotiators
  • Board-Superintendent Functions
  • Brown Act
  • Collective Bargaining for School Boards
  • Communications
  • Coordinated Planning for Collective Bargaining
  • Interest Based Bargaining Steps and Techniques
  • Impasse Procedures
  • Issues Management
  • Planning for Negotiations
  • Preparing for Negotiations
  • Problem Solving 101
  • Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Serving on the Board of Education
  • Strengthening Employer-Employee Relationships

SEAC is pleased to offer the following opportunities for professional development:


The 2024-25 SEAC School District Negotiators Certification Program.

This comprehensive training program is designed to foster a deep understanding of the impact of labor relations and collective bargaining on district progress and functionality for new, experienced, and aspiring school district leaders. Learn More.

Team Building and the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

(1/2 day or full day) — Designed for new and forming teams, as well as teams in need of reinvigoration.  Covers concepts of what it means to be a team and begins the foundation of teambuilding with participants learning about each other and lays the foundation for building trust.

The Ideal Team Player

(1/2 day) — Created to develop a sense of “team” by its members.  Includes an assessment of “team” characteristics which can be used as a coaching and growth plan.

The Advantage

(Full day) — This seminar brings together the best of Patrick Lencioni.  Building a cohesive team, creating clarity, communicating clarity, and reinforcing clarity are covered in this seminar.

Three Signs of a Miserable Job – Employee Engagement

(1/2 day) — Primarily for leaders, supervisors and managers, this workshop covers the pitfalls that supervisors fall into when supervising employees.  Following the precepts of this workshop will increase job satisfaction, employee retention, and productivity.

The Empty In-Box

(1/2 day) — For leaders at any level who have a dedicated or shared clerical/support assistant, secretary, administrative assistant, executive assistant, etc.  This trains both parties in how to work together to maximize productivity, communication, and efficiency.

Decision Making

(Full day) — Most decision-making conversations are a matter of “throwing things against a wall and seeing what sticks.”  Using a variety of research-based sources, this seminar introduces the science of making good decisions.  Ideal for those new  to leadership positions.

Making Meetings Work

(Full day) — Managers accomplish a lot (or little) in meetings. This workshop is designed to master facilitation, leading, and participating in meetings.

New and Aspiring Leadership Academy

(5 Full days over time) — This series is ideal for those new to management and supervisory positions or those desiring to hone their leadership skills for further promotion.

Time Management and “Deep Work”

(1/2 Day) If you often feel frustrated by the amount of work you get done, are tired of taking home work, and want to make an impact on your career and your organization, this seminar provides you with concrete solutions and resolutions.

Introduction to Professional Learning Communities

(1/2 day or full day) — Customized for the level of commitment for your staff’s PLCs.

Strengthening Employer-Employee Relations

This two-hour workshop provides an outline of key considerations for district administrators in addressing the multitude of problems faced in daily school district life. Too often hasty, reactive solutions create more and greater problems. This training offers a “checklist” to guide administrators through effective problem solving, and provides time to apply the approach.

Districts must rely on a wide variety of people and positions to help students learn and thrive. So… they must all work together to ensure student success. This workshop helps district and school leaders identify strategies to build positive working relationships and instill a climate of trust, respect, and collaboration. Build to meet district needs, this training can approach employer-employee relations from a broad perspective, narrow to the collective bargaining arena, or provide a combination.

Team Building

This workshop provides opportunity for participants to explore team dynamics and to gain understanding of team member perspectives. This can help solidify a team – the Board of Education, Cabinet, an Administration Team, or a Negotiation Team among other groups. Tailored to meet the team interests and needs, this can be offered in 2 hours or become a 6-hour workshop.

Ten Union Tactics and Responses

This is a 2-hour interactive workshop that allows the participants to analyze and plan for difficult situations at the negotiating table. The SEAC Philosophy is to be proactive and supportive of positive employer-employee relations regardless of the situation or the approach taken by the other parties.